Oracle – Estimate tablespace growth over time using AWR
A decent enough DBA should be able to tell you this information off of the top of their head, but sometimes it’s useful to see on average how fast a tablespace has been growing.
If you’re licensed to use the AWR views, you can query DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE
to trend tablespace growth over time. I like to find the average tablespace size, then view how it changes over time. The below query can show you that. It assumes that you have an 8kb value for DB_BLOCK_SIZE
, adjust as necessary if not.
with tablespaces as (
select ts.tsname, trunc(to_date(su.rtime, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')) as "DAY", avg((su.tablespace_usedsize*8192)/1024/1024/1024) as used_gb
from dba_hist_tablespace ts
join dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage su on su.tablespace_id = ts.ts#
where ts.tsname = 'DATA1'
group by ts.tsname, trunc(to_date(su.rtime, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'))
order by 2 desc
) select tsname, day, to_char(used_gb, '999G999G999D999') used_gb, to_char(used_gb - lag(used_gb) over (order by used_gb), '999G999G999D999') diff
from tablespaces
order by 2 desc;
------ ------------ ---------------- ---------
DATA1 2024-12-09 1,719.020 .685
DATA1 2024-12-08 1,718.335 .643
DATA1 2024-12-07 1,717.693 .903
DATA1 2024-12-06 1,716.790 1.852
DATA1 2024-12-05 1,714.938 2.229
DATA1 2024-12-04 1,712.709 2.231
DATA1 2024-12-03 1,710.478 3.150
DATA1 2024-12-02 1,707.328 2.966
DATA1 2024-12-01 1,704.361 1.686
DATA1 2024-11-30 1,702.676 .886
DATA1 2024-11-29 1,701.790 .799
DATA1 2024-11-28 1,700.991 1.787
DATA1 2024-11-27 1,699.204 2.756
DATA1 2024-11-26 1,696.447 1.538
DATA1 2024-11-25 1,694.909 1.552
DATA1 2024-11-24 1,693.358 1.012
Hope this helps,